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Leadtek 7800GT Extreme problem?

5 Jan 2004
Aylesbury or Egham
Got a new rig and once again, things are messing up on iot. Ocasional resets and crash to desktop, but the comp runs fine in windows, only crashes/resets after I start playing games. Just spent £700 on a new comp and its doing the same thing as the old one. Was I really that unluck that I got an Nvidia and an ATi (in the old machine) that had the same problem? Been sat here running prime95 in the background for about 30 mins while surfing net etc, and system is stable and tests have all passed.


opty 148 - stock atm, till probs are sorted
leadtek 7800 gt e
corsair xms 1gb matched pair
antec true pwoer psu 450w
raptor 37.6gb hdd

could it perhaps be some kind of conflict with the drivers that windows automatically installs on first start up?
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latest drivers of the nvidia website. Nothing overclocked. Direct x 9.0c installed. I just ran 3dmark 2005 to try and make it crash but it didnt. Has sat stable in the desktop for about three hours now, bu as soon as I go into a game it crashes or resets.
OK well, hereas an update...
Tried the mem in single channel mode and everything seems to work fine, including he GFX fan, bizarely. Machine resets to desktop if I run it in dual channel mode with the factory settings of 2-3-3-6, at 2t. Will try slackening off the mem timings and try again in dual channel mode, but Ive just played Prince of Persia for about an hour, and I cant notice the difference if its in single or dual channel, tbh.

Anyways, this does mean that I can get on with the whole point of the excercise and start overclocking the nuts of my opty.

Any ways to increase satbility in dual channel mode?

Cheers all,
using an Abit an8-sli. Mu opty is a CACJE 148, and that sits happily under load under the Zalman cooler at 25 degrees. Ive just started to overclock the 7800gt, currently on 480 and 1101 for power 3d, all other settings are the same, and the fan goes to 70% for that, sits at 50 C for 3dmark 2005.

The volatges are as follows :
nForce 4 1.5

Bank interleaving is enabled, and HT frequency is set to auto, although Im not sure what this means.
omg, haha, I just set everything as low as possible so that it works, shows what I know...

Currently 11x205, need to set the RAM to DDR333, maybe after this litle piece of info things will improve...

well, booted with cl2 and ddr400 now that the ddr voltage is 2.75V. Strange thing is that every test seems stable with dual channel only when playing games does it quit to screen. Dont really want to have to play POP for an hour just to see if new settings are good. RAM is currently in single channel with 2t.

How high do you think Ill get the FSB before the ram starts to freak out?

Also, I really like the way you can set profiles for the fan speed etc for the GFS with Rivatuner, is there something like that for the AN8, so I dont have to use this external fan controller?

One last thing, just tried 210x11, booted fine and cpu temp was 38 under load. However, MBM5 shut down my pc as the PWM was at 110C! Is this for real, or a side effect of the fact that Im using the uGuru beta setup file, not an acutal AN8 file?
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