League of Legends Team creation and management thread!

12 Sep 2012
Season-6 LoL OCUK team thread!

I am starting this thread so as to keep people wanting to make teams separate from people just wanting to Discuss whether you like LoL or not or who you think is the better pro team. This is a discussion mainly around creating and managing teams.

I thought it would be a nice idea to set up a thread with a list of current active players who are looking for people to play with, either casually or ranked. If enough people want to join, then we can get 3 and 5 people ranked OCuk teams going. Season 5 has just ended and it is the perfect opportunity to meet other players and get teams together for season 6!

Thread guidelines:

-DO NOT flame or slander other players if you experience a bad game with them

-DO NOT use this thread to discuss how bad/good/meh LoL is. Play tactics and such are fine but i don't want this thread to turn into a LoL critique as the idea of the thread is to keep it clean and separate from the LoL discussion, so we can get some teams created

-ALL PLAYERS OF ALL SKILL are welcome. I am certainly not a pro and enjoy playing with people both less skilled and more skilled than myself

-In an attempt to make sorting out teams easier, please post your OCuk name, LOL name, preferred position and your main if you have one. I will make a list/table and keep it in the OP or second post of the thread

-If we get any teams going they will also be listed in OP with their rank position if the team wishes.

-This list is not just for rank teams but to help you find other players. If you don't play ranked, don't worry and post your name. This thread isn't here to gather the OCuk LOL pros but gather the active LOL community

Feel free to offer suggestions guys. Made the thread on a whim after failing to get much of a response in the LoL thread despite there being a ton of players on OCuk.

If the thread gets enough attention, i will pay for a TS3 server for us to use.

Player List For both casual play and ranked creation
I will make a spreadsheet and just post the table here every once in a while after we have a list going, until then, we will go by colour code since i cant seem to make a table using BB code

OCuk Name
LoL username
Preferred Position
(any frequently played champs)

AvengeTheCookie, ThreshAndClean (alternate account),
Support main, can fill jgl/adc/mid
(Thresh, Blitz, Lux, Braum, Poppy, karma)

H2F Scott,
( Vayne, Kalista, Ezreal)



Pantheon top, Vi jungle and Nautilus Leona or Thresh support, as well as Udyr

Pref mid but can fill top and jungle
Ziggs, Teemo, Donger, Graves

Top | Support | AD (in that order)
Poppy | Quinn | Gangplank | Fiora | Bard | Alistar | Kalista | Lucian

Ranked Team List 3 vs 3


Ranked Team List 5 vs 5

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Know i am going to get a lot of stick for this thread since LoL is a hate it or love it game. Lets keep it civil. If this thread is stupid then it will whither and die.
Go ahead, i played it years ago and only recently started again. Game has evolved and the e-sports culture around it has given it a new dynamic!

Very regular patches keep it fresh by changing and rebalancing champions forcing you to evolve your style or learn new champs
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