Lean in 15 - Joe Wicks Approach

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9 Apr 2004
So after so many failed attempts at losing weight and getting fitter, I came across a recipe book in Sainsburys called "Lean in 15" by a guy called Joe Wicks who I had never heard of (yes I now know he has a massive online following and various programmes).

The principle is fairly straightforward: 4 Training days a week and 3 rest days. Unlike most other diets I have seen, on training days Joe promotes carbs as part of overall macro intake, where as on non training days they are avoided. Key to the approach is you are never left feeling hungry or starving, so there is less temptation to veer from the diet plan. Calorie counting is also avoided, something I am nervous of but will see how it goes.

For the training side It is a very simple routine as follows:

6 rounds of HIIT (30 seconds per round followed by 45 seconds rest)
10 x 10 of one of two exercises targeting a specific muscle group
6 rounds of HIIT
10 x 10 of one of two other exercises targeting the same muscle group

Im keeping a full blog of both food, exercise and statistics at www.rediscoveringmatt.com however Im only a week in.

I started as follows:

Weight: 217 lbs
BP: 139/85
Resting BPM: 88
Chest - 112cm
Arms - 37cm
Stomach - 114cm
Waist - 106cm
Neck - 44cm

6 days later and I am now at:

Weight: 214 lbs
BP: 135/71
Resting BPM: 83
Chest - 114cm
Arms - 36cm
Stomach - 110cm
Waist - 105cm
Neck - 43cm
Cheers both, the DOMS has been kicking my arse but still working through. I really am hoping the blog and the regime will help me achieve ny goals
Joe Wicks is the iPhone of the fitness industry; doesn't particularly offer anything new to the industry, and doesn't necessarily have the best and latest methodology. However he ties it up nicely in a well designed package, practices what he preaches, and does it with character (albeit I deteste his squeaky voice).

There's far worse things to follow, so good luck to you. Just bear in mind quite a lot of the meals can be surprisingly calorific and/or salty. Plenty of water and monitor your calorie intake :)
Water intake is up at about 3 litres a day, sometimes more. I have to be honest ive had to reduce some of the carb intake on training days as i struggle to eat the portion, often 200g of pasta / bread per meal. Sticking with the veg / protein measures though.

I do agree it is nicely packaged, with 5 kids and self employed im his ideal market as it just makes it easy.
So today was shoulders and christ on a bike it hurt. Im going with the focus on finishing the full 10 sets with proper form as opposed to increasing the weights - but the lateral raises was almost embarassing how little I could lift when I needed to do a 100.

Onwards and upwards I suppose - blog updated with latest shenanigans.
So, hit some major setbacks this last week - mainly ending up back in surgery with a recurring injury which really impacts my ability to exercise. However I have done what I can and stuck with the eating plan:

Todays stats:
Weight - 211lbs
BP - Sys: 129
BP - Dia: 77
Resting BPM: 66
Chest: 113cm
arms: 35cm
Stomach: 108cm
Waist: 102cm
neck: 42cm
Hips: 106cm (was 110 when started)

So pretty pleased with all measurements. His approach is certainly working for me, blog will be updated later today

I believe that book is the second in a series of what will eventually be 3 books which roughly cover the 3 stages of Joe's online plan.
Another week another dollar, or in this case several pounds.

Finally managed to do some exercise this morning - HIIT session, which hurt but not to the point of doing damage.

todays stats:
weight - 209lbs
BP - Sys: 121
BP - Dia: 74
Chest: 111
arms: 35
stomach: 108
waist: 102

only lost 2 lbs and a small reduction in moobage, however what I am very pleased with is how the diet has really improved by blood pressure - really does show how eating the right macro balance, can make a massive difference.

Neodude - you are right - Ive got his first one as well now (the red one) which is his "shift" plan, I believe his "sustain" comes out later this year. His personalised online plan isnt bad value - £147 for a 90 day custom plan (plus support etc). However as long as I am getting the results from his books I dont see the need.
Online plans are seldom personalised when you reach his popularity, and if they are it certainly isn't by Joe himself. He'll likely have thousands of subscribers to his online plan now, no ones got time for that yet alone when you're constantly touring and promoting your own book!
Online plans are seldom personalised when you reach his popularity, and if they are it certainly isn't by Joe himself. He'll likely have thousands of subscribers to his online plan now, no ones got time for that yet alone when you're constantly touring and promoting your own book!

oh i fully agree, hes got 10s of 1000s of clients now and quite a big team. No doubt they will have a set series of routines that get tweaked to meet any dietary / physical factors.
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