leaps and bounds!

30 Oct 2010
Sunny Scotland
Linux is really coming on! Every few months or so I ditch windows and go full linux. I then get annoyed nothing works(mainly down to my inexperience) then reinstall windows, and then the cycle starts again.

...this time. Went back to Ubuntu as I quite like it. Installed fine, Couldn't fined my WiFi, so I had to carry the PC downstairs and plug it into the router. ati drivers installed fine, sound drivers installed fine, wine/POL installed fine...diablo 3 installed fine, no vent, but mangle installed fine...played about 8 hours of D3 with only a little sound bug once. I also got the linux spotify working too. Pretty much everything I do on windows!

I can pretty much go 100% linux!

The downside is, my other hard drives are locked into windows 8? So I'm guessing I've gotta reinstall windows, shut down property (thought I did) then reinstall linux again. Not too bad, but a nights worthy of messing about.
Apart from gaming I'm almost fully on Linux now. I can do everything I need, it's more secure and I can set it up to look and act the way I want it to rather than be forced to adopt a touch based look and feel.
Diablo is what I'm playing at the moment, So that's all good, any other games are played on the Wii u. Only other game it seems my mates are still playing is WoW. And that works fine, so if I go back to that, I know it'll work. Really was a shock how well it all worked. It's not 100%, but it's pretty Damn close!
aaaand back on windows haha. This time it wasn't Linux's fault. it was windows! Installed windows, properly shut the pc down tried to reinstall ubuntu and it just wouldnt get past the part where i checked what hard drive to install it on. Windows wouldn't let it get to my ssd. So i'm just gonna get another ssd just for Linux, not yet though, i'll wait till May :)
Linux has 'just worked' (to a point) for quite a while.

The real issues are with those niggling problems that can often be insurmountable, or buggy software & drivers over which you have little or no control.

Linux will have arrived when you stop hearing phrases like 'pretty much', 'everything except for', 'almost always', etc. That's the critical gap that needs bridging in my opinion.
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