Learners delivering pizzas...

18 Jan 2011
South London
...really **** me off. Crap riding gives us all a bad name.
This petition just popped up on the XRV forums, still early days yet but I've signed it and thought I'd spread the word a bit. Not sure how you lot feel about it!
Back when I worked for Pizza Hut the company would even pay for the CBT so they could go out on the 50cc mopeds. They were limited to 30mph though.
Couriers do appear to be insanely dangerous, however I've never seen one in an incident. They probably have more miles on their clocks than most of us so it might be that they just know better. You can't get hit if you've already left everyone for dust :p

Joking aside this petition is retarded. If they're driving dangerously then there are already laws against that. If the police aren't pulling them over for driving like maniacs then they aren't going to pull them over when the same people simply rip off the L plate.
Round brum I always see the same Dominos guy, he must never sleep - and yes, he does drive crazy. He's on a scooter yet I've seen him keep apace with me doing 50 - well at least 40+ :D What speed do these things go?? I thought they should be 30 mph.
I'm not signing it, are you mad?

If that happens surely the price of my pizza will go up?! :p

I don't care how my pizza gets to me personally so long as it's hot :o
I'm not signing it, are you mad?

If that happens surely the price of my pizza will go up?! :p

I don't care how my pizza gets to me personally so long as it's hot :o

He has a point! :D

:p Looks like someone will be getting cold pizza with tarmac topping on top. :p
Just because the bike has L's doesn't mean the rider is a learner. I would think most delivery bikes have learner plates as default. Not that I've got problem with CBT riders delivering Pizza's to earn a few quid.
gcaster said:
...really * * * * me off. Crap riding gives us all a bad name.
This petition just popped up on the XRV forums, still early days yet but I've signed it and thought I'd spread the word a bit. Not sure how you lot feel about it!
All the overly loud exhausts give us a bad name, where is that petition lol

Posted from Overclockers.co.uk App for Android
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Whole bunch of new riders round here used to get delivery jobs to earn the money to take their full test, buy new kit, own first bikes, etc. They were all pretty good riders and now they're fully fledged bikers.

So please - Sign the petition and destroy a very useful route for new bikers getting on the road.
While you're at it, there must be a similar petition that wants all Saturday check-out staff banned unless they have an accountancy degree...?
Is it me or is everyone jumping on the petition bandwagon these days.

Some of the petitions i've seen people create are nothing short of hilarious. I guess that's always the problem with freedom of speech.

EDIT: Just as an example from the front page:

- Hold a General Election in 2016

Do these idiots not realise how long it would actually take to re-organise another election, not to mention the fact that a party would need to give up their current stake in government (said no party ever).

- STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers' money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets.

Again, too little too late to organise this. The money would have already been spent.
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That's what happens when you give instant access of stuff like that to idiots, everything comes along. Sick of the countless numbers of poorly written "abolish car tax!!!! 0Mg'sss!11111!" petitions that surface every few months. At least when you had a petition to present to the government you had to rock up at No.10 with boxes of signatures, now any neandethol sitting around in their underpants can start a petition to try and make the government accountable for anything.
They are terrible around Edinburgh. No doubt they are under time pressures to make deliveries, but they'll have a hell of a lot more to worry about if they keep riding they way they are.
The local deliveroo riders round here are utter ****. Ended up having a shouting match with one as they cut me up three times and their reason was "I've got to be somewhere quick mate, init"

My size 11 boot was coming for you quick mate, init! :p
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