learning a instrument

26 Mar 2007
as title im thinking about learning instrument but not really sure what, does anyone know the pros and cons of each, mainly guitar, bass and drums?

which one is the best to try and teach yourself?

im thinking about the drums but not sure why.

what do you play and what made you choose that?
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Andelusion said:
Out of your list, guitar and bass are the easiest and most practical to learn, as for drums you generally need a much larger space, and they inherently make more noise, unless you get an electric kit, but then you're missing out on a lot of the technical nuancess you'll have to perfect to make a nice sound.

Then again, guitarists and bassists are ten a penny (guitarists especially), if that bothers you.

What's some of your favourite music? Learning to play a song you've liked for a long time can be a very rewarding thing.

What about piano/keyboards?

I'm obviously going to recommend guitar, because it kicks bum, but there are many other options too.

thanks for the reply, ive played guitar before back in school and i was rubbish thats why im looking at drums, i could put drums in my room or garage if i wanted so space isnt that big an issue.

i mainly listen to rock nirvana, chilis (older stuff), muse, rage against the machine, foo fighters etc so not really intrested in piano/keyboard
m3csl2004 said:
nirvana, rage and muse - good taste, I must say - all those bands have pretty simple guitar in them (and some not so simple bits :P :cool: morello :cool: )

allough rage have some awesome basslines aswell. completely up to you

I love guitar though and glad I took it up, few more years and I might actually be okay at it hehe :)

thanks again for the reply

what would yous say the difference is between the learning curve of guitar, bass and drums? does it make any difference trying to teach yourself?
drums is looking my favorite but your right im better having a go before forking out

is a £200 set ok to learn with or is it one of these things you need to pay a lot more for?
thanks for all the comments guys, im still leaning towards the drums after most of yous recommending something different which must be saying something.

i think im going to try and get a go of some of my friends that play drums kits and see how it goes from there.

i wanted to play an instrument since i was like 5 and thats me just getting round to it at 18
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