Learning ASP.net

12 Jan 2009
What's the best way of doing this? Are there any self study courses equivalent to the Microsoft MCITP courses? I was thinking of finding a really good beginners book but there are so many out there, or maybe some training videos a la lynda.com/CBT Nuggets.

I wan't to learn to create ASP.net web sites as well as ASP.net applications
hey, you can download a free copy of visual studio from here to play around with

visual studio 2012 express

I'm not really sure on books but I guess you'd want a bit of grounding in c#, .net, html and javascript. There's a free video here on mvc 2, they're up to mvc 4 now but the basics and concepts are very similar.

mvc 2 concepts
Don't learn ASP.NET, it's slowly being dropped in favour of ASP.NET MVC: which is (IMO) far easier to learn anyway and far more awesome.
Don't learn ASP.NET, it's slowly being dropped in favour of ASP.NET MVC: which is (IMO) far easier to learn anyway and far more awesome.

Thanks so where should I start? I've done some research and people suggest learning C# first is better
To get better career prospects, I want to move into Software/Web Development. My current workplace use ASP.NET to create web based applications so I thought why not have a go and see what ASP.NET is all about.
Fair enough BUT if you are looking at wider prospects ASP.NET (in whatever guise!) has a limited (but significant) market share and something like PHP has much wider adoption
Fair enough BUT if you are looking at wider prospects ASP.NET (in whatever guise!) has a limited (but significant) market share and something like PHP has much wider adoption

Thats not necesarily true! I have seen loads of asp.net (mvc and what not) jobs around and get called and emailed daily about them...

Thats not necesarily true! I have seen loads of asp.net (mvc and what not) jobs around and get called and emailed daily about them...


Yep me too, there are loads in the North West area

So am I right in learning C# first then going onto ASP.NET?
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Never mind C# or ASP.NET, how are you at programming?

Maybe have a look at http://www.codecademy.com/ and see how you get on. Once you've got the basics of programming then jumping language/framework isn't too difficult and is usually just a question of picking up syntax and framework specific features (such as those that C# and ASP.NET offer).

C# is an excellent language and .NET is a great framework for the enterprise, and can be highly lucrative. Whether you use ASP.NET WebForms or MVC is up to you, the end result is basically the same. Just don't bother with PHP if you want to retain your sanity ;)
Just don't bother with PHP if you want to retain your sanity ;)


If you go down the .NET stack, learn the basis of the C# Language first, and then move onto learning MVC (if you want to get a job after this, I'd suggest getting familiar with both MVC 3 and 4).

Like others have said, Web Forms are used less, but it still a good idea to understand them
So am I right in learning C# first then going onto ASP.NET?

Yep, you need to have to have a good understanding of a .NET language (typically C# or VB.Net) before using ASP.NET or any other .NET based technology.

You should regard ASP.NET as something which sits on top of your core C# / VB.Net knowedge, not as a seperate thing.
Yep, you need to have to have a good understanding of a .NET language (typically C# or VB.Net) before using ASP.NET or any other .NET based technology.

I'd say c# is tightly coupled to .Net. Its extremely difficult to use c# without touching .Net. Learning c#, you will have to learn .Net with it as you go along. All .Net is, is a framework of classes/objects to interact with. Even echoing a line to the console window requires use of the .Net framework, or using a simple Array or Hashtable.

ASP.Net is just another part of the framework for handling internet and web based interactions.
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ah you'll want to pick either c# or VB to learn, they both use the .net framework but are alternative languages. IMO learn c# unless you need to code VB, there's more examples in c# and I think it's a cleaner looking language.

You can use linqpad to learn the basics of programming, it lets you run small bits of code without having to make up a whole Solution like you'd need to do in Visual Studio.


Set Language dropdown to c# statements to start with then past this in to the main window and press run

string myString = "Hello World!";


I spend a fair amount of my day in linqpad just prototyping code, when set to c# Program you can make up classes as well and as such make up complex examples.
ah you'll want to pick either c# or VB to learn, they both use the .net framework but are alternative languages. IMO learn c# unless you need to code VB, there's more examples in c# and I think it's a cleaner looking language.

You can use linqpad to learn the basics of programming, it lets you run small bits of code without having to make up a whole Solution like you'd need to do in Visual Studio.


Set Language dropdown to c# statements to start with then past this in to the main window and press run

string myString = "Hello World!";


I spend a fair amount of my day in linqpad just prototyping code, when set to c# Program you can make up classes as well and as such make up complex examples.

That looks really useful but all above my head, I have no C# experience. Where do I start? Will this book be a good starting point?
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