Learning code and living from a laptop

29 May 2005
Ive always wanted that dream where you can work out of a laptop living in somewhere like Bali earning a wage remotely.

Now Ive kind of been told you can start learning with stuff like https://www.codecademy.com/ and then moving on to other sites like https://www.codewars.com/ or https://codesignal.com/.

I know this is not going to be easy but wondered if someone could give me some useful advice, is it worth pursuing and trying to teach myself coding for web development etc. I love to travel but being able to live out in another country whilst earning money as I go is what id love to pursue. With my current job I have a lot of free time on my hands to learn something so thought I would put it to good use.

Basically is it worth investing my time how do I go about getting the jobs at the end if so.
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