Learning Dreamweaver

25 Oct 2002
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I want to start learning Dreamweaver from scratch and there are a few tutorial CDs available, eg lynda.com, VTC, Total Training.

Has anyone taken the plunge by using anything like this or have any recommendations for a complete beginner?


Thanks for that :)

I think its easier just to learn to code, and it will save you the cost. You will also get better results.

Thanks :) I take it you mean learning to use html. Someone else told me to start with that as it would give me a better grounding and understanding when going on to use something like dreamweaver as i will be able to understand the code view (or something along those lines!! :)). I'll look into that; i see there are a few html tutorial links in the sticky.

I found the inbuilt tutorials in Dreamweaver were pretty good.

What do you want to be able to do web design wise, i.e. what's the end goal?

I'm a member of a table tennis club and their website is outdated and pretty badly designed. I'd like to get to a standard where i can competently design a better site, upload it and be comfortable with making changes and additions to it. The bonus is that i will have learned a new skill :)
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I had a look for that book you mentioned Chaos and the thought of even picking up a 694 page book is a bit daunting no matter how good the explanations are but thanks anyway :).

Radderfire, thanks for the advice :). I think i'll get a brief grounding in html using something like the webmonkey tutorials then move onto dreamweaver. If the included tutorials aren't for me then i'll look into some kind of video tutorial as i tend to find them more engaging than following text books.

konicky - thanks for the tips :)

Any more advice and guidance is welcome :)
Yup, do not use a table for your layout unless it is tabular data!

and please can people tell the difference between web design and web development!! Learning dreamweaver is web development and has nothing to do with design, completely seperate topic!
Design = photoshop and similar!
Development = dreamweaver and coding!

Thanks for lesson number one :) :)
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