Learning material

28 Dec 2002
South Coast
Can any of you recommed some good learning books/resources/flavours of linux?

Need to learn it more for my job. Current plan is to learn in a vm and then take it from there.
best off finding what your job is using, and then running that, it'll probably be RHEL, so your best bet is CentOS\Fedora. Apart from that, diving in, and having Linux Pocket Guide (ISBN 0596006284) and a vi cheat sheet to hand :)

Don't be tempted to go for the easy editor of nano or pico, as I found when I started working in my current job is the fact that they aren't even installed on the system, but vi(m) generally is.
Cheers for the info, I'll download Fedora later at home.

Ref the Vi Cheat sheet, any particular one to trust etc. as I googled that and got a vast list.
Sybex LPIC-1 and LPIC-2 would be the ones I'd recommend :)
LPIC-1 covers basic use and configuration, and LPIC-2 covers advanced configuration of system components and servers in a business environment.
Haha! Doesn't Vi come with a built-in tutorial?

But you have to learn how to use that, of course ;)

Generally the best way to learn anything in Linux is just to get your hands dirty. If it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is then reinstall and start again :p
Generally the best way to learn anything in Linux is just to get your hands dirty. If it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is then reinstall and start again :p

+1 & lol :)

Once you're familiar with Fedora you could always have a go with installing & running Gentoo, depending what you need to learn I suppose :)
But you have to learn how to use that, of course ;)

Generally the best way to learn anything in Linux is just to get your hands dirty. If it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is then reinstall and start again :p

+1 & lol :)

I could not agree more. Keep tinkering until you break it. Linux is typically a learn as you go along OS


+1 & lol :)

Once you're familiar with Fedora you could always have a go with installing & running Gentoo, depending what you need to learn I suppose :)

+1 on this too. You really learn the nitty gritty of linux OS when you get your hands dirty with gentoo, perhaps even Arch for the slightly fainter hearted :)
I seem to recall my initial learning of linux was with Slackware ... package management, we don't need no package management ... it was all trawling from text file so try and find out what you needed to download and compile in order to be able to compile what you actually wanted, (like Gimp or KDE ...).

You could try browsing sites like howtoforge to give idea and tutorials on how to do various things.
Install and configure Arch Linux until you can do it quickly without referencing the manual. If this doesn't teach you something about Linux, then I don't know what will.
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might be obvious but sometimes I use man in front of what I am using


man iptables
man fdisk
man nano

that'd bring up the manual :)
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