Learning PHP?

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21 Apr 2006
Hi peeps,

It’s been a while since ive touched any html (I know outdated) and I often find I have to be in the mood to code a website in html (often cheat and use frontpage) But what’s the easy way to learn PHP? As I want to be able to create a database have a separate login for a newbie to update a news page and add images and make it easy to update links on say 15 diffrent pages.

I have basic knowledge of html and I know I can’t learn this over night and looking at websites theses days it’s all about images more than coding or am I wrong? (e.g. Nice images that makes a decent layout (full screen etc) if anyone can help, basic things to learn what i need to know etc etc.
Thanks guys, where do i begin..lol :/

any useful apps to have to help along the way?
Cheers for that, ill have a go with Notepad++ I know basic html picked it up fairly easy from school many years ago and still remember a fair majority of the language, I just want to advanced it further. I've set myself a goal of setting up a website I can login to and add/delete/add images/delete images to an index page and maybe (no idea how) make a list of links to separate pages that I can easy update and keep tabs on by updating one section instead of going through 15 pages and doing it separate if you catch me :) probably simple but daunting at first.

So i need to download php, apache , mysql? and have a play on my main pc or will i need webspace for this ?:)

or just WAMP?

Also how do you guys get motivated to get coding? :)
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