Learning to play guitar.

16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
Ok, looking to learn to play the guitar....

Anyone got any recommendations on where to start etc....?

I can already play the piano, so can read music to a mediocre level....

Never been great at chords... So something I'll need to learn, and I'm finding the lay out of notes slightly surreal xD

But do people recommend trying to learn scales and the 'dull' stuff, or just pick a song I like and learn to play it? Or a mix of both?

OK I have a question ... Are the electric starter packs any good? 28 may be a bit late to start learning but its not like I want a career out of it lol

I'm 20 myself, I'm not really looking to be able to gig or anything, I just like the idea of being able to sit around and play a bit. I already sit down at the piano from time to time and just play that, but have always liked the guitar so figured I should learn.

Based on the links given, I got a guitar a few years ago but it seems I went down the right path...

I'd take a look at the two justinguitar lessons beginners course where he talks about buying a guitar and accessories, I actually already have a Yamaha Pacifica, which to be honest seems like a great starting guitar. If I become good at the guitar I'll probably pick up a better electric and an acoustic of some kind

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