Least painful way to find a BF2 server

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Yesterday i reinstalled BF2

Today i fired it up, sorted out the 100s of config options and messed about with bots till i was happy. Those silly bots they make me laugh.

Now ive already remembered why i hated this game, IT literaly takes me 10 minutes to find a server to play 1 frigging game.

Please help me ive already had to turn it off once today cos i cant hack that find a server screen.
jeez is this game playable with 1gb of ram

My system is ok 3700sd, 7800gtx but i jerk and lag all over the place. After a long load it takes about 3 mins for my PC to settle down to a point where i can start thinking about playing.

i tried a few multiplay servers the city only ones cos they are the best.
jeez im still very unimpressed with this game even after another year nothing has improved

getting shot by people that do cartwheels and head over heels jumping what a load of poop,

i think ill stick to some mored skilled FPSs lol this is just a zerg

Everyone was using Support Machineguns, Did they get a mega Buff or something ??? they used to be pretty dismal.
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