Leather trousers, any to avoid??

6 Sep 2008
Near Hull
I normally just ride in jeans but after a friends recent crash i feel i need a bit better protection.
Im looking at rst leather trousers but they're only £100, im not too clued up on leather but to me that seems cheap. Would there be a problem with rst leathers as they should be made in o a certain standard?
Well, i ended up buying some rst yesterday and they're actually a really nice fit. I do seem to have one issue now, i got spada predator boots when i did my test (fairly cheap as boots were needed) and they don't want to fasten properly over the leathers. Is this a common issue or just because of these boots?? I'm going to look at some sidi boots later as they have a buckle instead of velcro.
I think i just need to use the boots a bit more, theyre starting to feel alright a bit today. The trousers seem excellent and are really comfortable so no real problems now.
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