Leaving full time job to work for self

14 Jan 2010
Thinking of doing this and starting my own it support/custom PC build type venture.

I would also run a separate website because i do photography as well to maximise income

I have the experience and qualifications required, would start to try and establish myself Before I leave but is a big step with family and rent to pay.

Has anybody been in a similar situation that can offer any advice
Very difficult to make a living from that now.

Of course it can be done but it's a lot of hassle, what kind of warranty and aftercare support are you going to offer them? There's a lot of people who can break things easily or blame you for something that isn't your fault.

How are you going to beat the big business on pricing/support when they can buy in components in bulk and have the staff to offer excellent customer service?

Personal it support to the person's very door, of course people breaking things is a risk but there are measures you can put in place to minimise this, plus I deliver the PC to the customers door and even set up for them at an extra charge.
Covered by liability insurance as well should damage something in their property.

It is something I have done before, just not full time so couldn't put my all into it

Big businesses would be beat with a personal touch and the fact they can meet me face to face and would hopefully recommend me to others
Thank you for the advice everyone. Some good advice but also some very negative opinions out there.

I believe with enough strings to my bow I can and will make this work.

We won't be completely pocketless as my wife will be getting a job too, I am getting it off the ground before I hand my notice in and establishing what will work well.

If all else fails I will just get another job
Another job you say? I've been out of work since Feb... not as easy as it sounds. Another set of income is better. I don't have that option unfortunately.

I have a couple offers already should I need work. Plus my current company are happy to take me back should I need to
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