Led Cinema Display

26 Dec 2005
I got my macbook last week, and im considering buying an apple keyboard and led cinema display for when its sat on my desk.

Does the connectors to connect to the macbook come with this, or would i need to order it seperately?
I've got a Alu Macbook and an LED Cinema Display and they all play nicely together :)

It's lovely.

The screen comes with 3 cables in 1: a macbook charger, a USB connector for its 2 USB hub, built in camera and speakers and finally a mini DisplayPort connector which is for the display signal.
There are no adapters required as the LED Cinema display outputs a signal via Mini-Display port, which the new MacBook has.

You'd only need the adaptor if you bought a white macbook.

The Alu ones come with mini-dp on them already so no need for an adaptor.

What Macbook do you actually have?
Get one, you know you want to :)

Oh - and don't forget the Alu keyboard (I avoided the mighty mouse since I heard multiple times that it is carp) - the Macbook, LED display and Alu keyboard make for a great combo.

One thing that disappointed me was the fact that there is no Stereo Output/Line out on the screen - I have some awesome speakers but I have to plug them in manually :(
Mini DisplayPort is as much a standard as MiniDVI. DisplayPort on the other hand...

I thought it was the other way around actually - I thought DisplayPort was agreed upon by numerous manufacturers and then Apple went ahead and reduced the size and called it DisplayPort Mini which other manufacturers are not following yet.
Yeah that's what I meant - DisplayPort is the 'real' standard, although it seems the Mini version is going to become official soon, which should mean no more getting ripped off by Apple for the adaptors.
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