LED Message boards in car?

31 Oct 2004
just a thought about these, thinking about getting one and mounting it in the back to display various messages to cars behind, some of which may be displeasure lol, are these illeagle?
Could be construed as being a distraction to other road users.

Irrespective of whether they're legal or not, you'll look a right pillock.

penski said:
Could be construed as being a distraction to other road users.

Irrespective of whether they're legal or not, you'll look a right pillock.


Technically speaking, you are allowed extra light sources from the rear of the car aslong as they are red light only.

Im sure they would be ok, just dont tell Mr Policeman to "**** off"
I always thought they were illegal, however saying that I saw an HGV with one the other day. Didn't say anything particularly amusing if i recall clearly.
You will need them to be voice activated.
You couldnt change what they say buy typeing on a key pad of some kind :p
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