Leeds - Cockpit - Zebrahead

15 Jan 2005
Leiden - NL

Curious to see if anyone else on the forum ventured to this gig and what they thought.

I for one had an awesome time, enjoyed all bar one band and really enjoyed the venue...

- Steve
Make It Better Later
Mr Shiraz

The venue promoted crowd surfing \o/.

(p.s. Where you watching the game tonight)
Sic said:
:( they played at Swindon. Wish I'd known. How were they?

3rd time I'd seen them, as good as ever.

Up there with some of the best gigs i've been to on the grounds the support was also amazing.
penski said:
y'know what? in over a decade of regular gigging I've never encountered a female crowdsurfer...

...every male one still gets pulled down and receives a swift kicking though.


This is the first venue i've ever been to where the crowd surfers haven't got their kicking.

Bar the upskirts though it really is more of an irritation. (and missed the fun of them getting to the front and getting their kicking from the bouncers).
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