Left 4 Dead on low spec PC?

18 Oct 2002
I am missing my old source games and i am thinking of buying a cheap machine out here. Not interested in anything newer.

Would a Athlon LE-1640 (2.7ghz), 4gb, and a Geforce 9500GT play this on medium settings?
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Yes the game depending on the different graphic settings and resolution set at should easily be playable on medium and maybe even some high settings on that system spec.

As Left 4 Dead is a Source engine based game, it is quite scalable for lower end systems.

Unless you already had that PC system in mind, I'm sure you could still do better though without going past your preferences.
Just been offered a machine like this for $300 with monitor etc. If it will play left 4 dead thinking of getting it rather than spending $1000+ on a new machine.
I'm playing L4D on a P4 @ 3ghz + 1GB ram, pretty good enough on low settings.

However my setup fails on very intensive scenes because the 250watt psu wasn't meant to be powering the 3850 AGP card it currently is. Doesn't happen often but if the card demands too much power then the computer will crash and needs to be drained of any remaining charge in the capacitors before it will restart (unplug power cable, press the power button on the computer, reconnect power cable).

Just one of the many reasons I want to make a rig from scratch now :]
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