Leg routine, feeling sick...

27 Sep 2004
Just wondering wether or not this is normal...

My leg routine is fairly intense compared to my other days like chest/triceps, back/biceps and because of this it's making me feel very ill after having a workout. Most of the time(like tonight) I feel like I'm going to vomit. I'm not doing anything special and try to keep it cool. I'll usually do weighted squats, single leg squats, lunges, deadlifts etc etc.

Anyone else get this? What could be the problem?

edit: It also means I can't get a decent set of stretches in afterwards because I feel sick.
I guess it could be because I had a few weeks off due to medication but I do remember having the same problems before. I guess I'll just keep at it, in hope of adjusting eventually.
What actuall causes you to be sick? Threw up a few times doing bleep tests in the past.
Not sure, probably just the intensity of the workout. During a leg routine I get totally knackered in comparison to a chest workout for example.
I always try to keep in mind that working legs is really pushing my body and that's why I don't adjust as quickly to that part of a routine. Purely out of interest though, why don't you have deadlifts on back day?
I feel the bigger, full body exercises hit my abs a fair amount which I also workout on the same day.
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