Legal advice - posting e-mail conversations on the net

10 Oct 2004
I am currently involved in a dispute with an American company that organises volunteer trips. I would like to publicise some of their responses on my website so that other people can be better advised how they treat cases that "go wrong". Is there anything illegal about doing this? Thanks!
Sequoia said:
Be careful about context, though. I'd advise against selective quoting that gives a misleading impression. Even if simply quoting, it could be defamation, if the context is ignored and the impression given deceptive .... and damaging.

Unless you're wealthy, you don't want to be facing legal action for defamation. If this company can afford lawyers and you can't, be careful about what grounds you give them for taking that route.
What about quoting them where they have directly contradicted themselves?
Borris said:
I would quote all of the emails in their entirety - that removes any suggestion that you are attempting to misrepresent them.
So you believe quoting them where they have contradicted themselves is attempting to "misrepresent" them? Surely it's just making the read a little easier on the reader and pointing out where they have done wrong? My qualm with posting the e-mails in their entirety is that is partly defeats the object of setting up the site, as readers will not sift through masses of transcript to see where the company is wrong.
Jet said:
I wouldn't if you think there is a risk of legal action.

There is no reason why these emails are not copyrighted. I literary work does not have to be published to by copyright protected. Most copyright cases obviously deal with novels, poems etc but private diaries have been held to be copyrighted so I see no reason why private emails will not be.

Of course the company may not know this and/or don't want the hassle. Be careful though.
I don't think legal action is likely, but obviosly I am acting as though it is probable. I just want my money back!
Visage said:
Why not quote the emails in their entirety, but highlight in bold the passages that show contradiction, making it very clear that the emphasis is yours?
I think that's what I'l do, thanks.

Anyone happen to know if you can take an American company to a small claims court?
Borris said:
I would ask at a CAB, but I doubt you would have any recourse to the UK courts. You might have to file a claim in the US county circuit.
I think I'll try pursuing a credit card charge back whilst also starting a net/letter writing campaign against them. At least that gives them the opportunity to take the initiative and offer me compensation. I'll phone my local CAB failing both of these. Thanks for your advice Borris.
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