Hiya chaps,
Can I legally obtain a Win XP Home disc WITHOUT licence.
The reason I ask is that I am finding my business is doing more and more PC repairs so I have just bought a few things which makes repairing them much easier.
Almost all shop-bought PC's have the licence key sticker stuck on the side, also, most customers havbe misplaced their restore or original discs. I assume that sticker is their licence to use Win XP Home aswell? Hence needing a disc I can use with any of my customers licence keys.
If this is not possible then please advise on the best alternative.
Can I legally obtain a Win XP Home disc WITHOUT licence.
The reason I ask is that I am finding my business is doing more and more PC repairs so I have just bought a few things which makes repairing them much easier.
Almost all shop-bought PC's have the licence key sticker stuck on the side, also, most customers havbe misplaced their restore or original discs. I assume that sticker is their licence to use Win XP Home aswell? Hence needing a disc I can use with any of my customers licence keys.
If this is not possible then please advise on the best alternative.