Legendary/hilarious threads/members.

That thread's only really funny to geeks.

If you think that's funny or daft, wait until you meet kwerk or arekgreenman88.
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Ah ok, I'll have to keep an eye out then!

I'm not necessarily laughing at the thread starter/OP content as such but some of them just snowball into general thread hilarity with the odd GIF thrown in for measure and plenty of frankly insane or ridiculously funny postings. ZZZAC in particular - I just found my self cracking up at how much **** someone would put themselves through by buying dodgy gear and asking for advice after the event, and so on! I have an image of a young lad surrounded by piles and piles of shabby gear desperately trying to make stuff work and all of the tech gods trying to trip him up to see if he gets up again!
What was the story behind lucybee? Something went down, but I have no idea what!

Lucybee is just a bloke who wants to be a woman. That's the short version anyway lol.

edit: oh and he's booked in for some/all(?) of the corrective surgeries to make it happen as well.
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