Lego Star Wars, the movie?

Go the games section and it'll be there :)

However the first Lego Star Wars is brilliant. I was hesitant to buy it but in the end I did. You know what, it's in list of my top ten fun games :)
Lets hope Lego Star Wars Classic Trilogy isn't a disspointment :)
Right, 2 days late on the Lego Star Wars 2 news in the gaming forum.

But still couldnt find any thread linking to that lego star wars animation. Brilliant stuff that, especially if you've played the game.
There's an extended movie of just the clone orchestra to supplement the short end credit one.

They should make a lego star wars tv show, i'd watch that!
old video, but its utter class :D

there's a fair few on the official LEGO Star Wars website that are worth watching :)
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