lemme see your Antec 900

Man of Honour
12 Feb 2004
Herne Bay, UK
i have one of these sitting on my floor waiting for my new build :D

can some of you owners post pics of your running rigs and any comments about installing, cable managment etc, i want mine to look clean but with 4 HD's and a DVD-RW going in there its going to be fun :p

and who has the messiest looking rig lol

thanks for info
ImMrChris said:
that looks sweet m8 ;)

whats causing the red glow ?


Cheers :)

LED's on the motherboard are the cause of the red glow, i want to get a UV cathode as my graphics card is supposdly uv reactive.
All-Black Antec

Hey all,

I just built my system into this case and to be honest after a little modding I have no complaints at all....in fact I have a 10d drop in temps when at high fan voltages...which means I can kill my AMD3500 a little more before moving to a C2D setup.

I have all 5 120mm slots filled (3 x Zaward Golf, 2 x Antec Tri-Cool) and controlled by a Zalman ZM-MFC1. I connected the 200mm and the interior 120mm to the 12v/5v/Off switches and the rest to the standard 7x-12v Fan controllers. This means I can control the noise, when its all turned down and the 200mm and interior 120mm turned off its pretty quiet, at least as quiet as any system Ive had before....

The main thing I did in modding was to spray the whole inside of the case satin black and I think it was really worth it. I also cut three holes into the motherboard tray and ran cables behind it....believe me this cleared up a lot of problems I would have had otherwise.....5 min job too....

Anyhow on with the images...




And just to show how I ran those cables....theres more space behind here than you might think....


Hope this helps......
Ha ha yeah they're just taped there for the minute, its a pair of molex connectors, I ended up not needing them so I just hid them there. I've no problem with using tape once you cant see it.

That also goes for my dodgy spray job on those panels too, cant see it so I was using it as a test area....When you cut holes in the panel you can see the Antec gray on the back panel thou so I sprayed part of that black to make sure it wouldn't be obvious...Why they don't ship this chassis sprayed black already is beyond me, I'd happily spend a few more quid for it.
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