Lenovo r61 Laptop with wifi

19 Jul 2006
Have been playing about with different versions of linux on the Thinkpad r61 laptop and am having trouble with the wifi.
I dont know if the wifi card is not working or if its a setting that im missing.

I have installed debien, puppy linux, fuduntu and now mint and none have picked up the wifi card.
I have found this page http://www.linlap.com/ibm-lenovo_thinkpad_r61

But still not having any luck.

Any ideas?
I would personally suspect a faulty card. Lenovo are usually very good with linux compatibility. Do you have a copy of windows to try, just to be sure?
Have you had a poke about the BIOS? WiFi can sometimes be under device security or similar, I am not familiar with that Thinkpad. After that, I'd quickly chuck in a Windows install just to check if it works under Windows. Lenovo a ***** for whitelisting hardware, so be careful to get a supported card if you buy one to try swapping it out
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