Lens Coat

Get one made by Lens Coat, best there is IMO (from wex). It's worth getting the end cover as well.

If you need a waterproof cover (as well) the ones from WWS are very good, I use the C80 single layer.
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My lens coat for my 200-400 is a Lenscoat one but tbh, it's not exactly the most complex piece of kit in the world :/ It's neoprene that's sewn into a cylinder shape to sit on your lens.

My lens coat wasn't 'that awesome' but I'm not sure other brand would be any different. I guess there aren't many lenses that use these that also have a 'zoom' ring and a 'focus' right. I found that the piece that was supposed to sit on the focus ring was a bit too big so had a tendency to rub on the next piece along. This had would occasionally make my AF stop working because the camera thought I was manual focusing at the same time.

I also found that the zoom right had no grip on it and it made it hard to operate. The 200-400 zoom right isn't that loose and with the neoprene cloth side out, it was hard to operate. I ended up removing the zoom and focus ring bits.
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