lens protection

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
I did a horrible thing yesterday, I dropped a lens!!!!

somebody was talkign to me and my phone rang and I just had a momentary motor function failure.

Conected the lens up and took a couple of shots, it seems fine /phew

but it did make me start thinking. What do people use to store their lens and equipment in. We have a camera (minolta 7d) and 2 lenses, which are all kept in the original boxes (one of lenses is actually in a hard drive box because it came in a rubbish box) Which are all kept safe in a safe.

I was thinkign of just getting a carry bag, what other options do people suggest?
I just keep all my stuff in a couple of camera bags, it's far easier to just pick up the bag and go when the mood takes me.

I saw a very enlightening video the other day showing how much stuff a pro squeezed into his Lowepro Mini Trekker, it's a good example of just how much abuse photo gear can handle. I can't find the link off hand, it was either on here or Talkphotography, can't remember which

EDIT: http://www.mackstyle.net/minitrekker.mov
I have a lowepro minitrekker for when I am taking most of my stuff (2 bodies, 6 lenses and various other bits and bobs). A lot of the time I am just taking one body, one lens on camera and another lens. Then I just use a small shoulder camera bag
Got to love the mini trekker 200. got one myself and you can fit a crap load of stuff in there for the size of the thing. Currently fits my new 100 300 f4, 50mm 1.8, 18-70dx, 18-55dx, d50, memory cards, all lens caps, sanwiches, notepads, the list goes on and on. Great little bag.

I love the way that guy justs throws his kit around,... classic.

rpstewart said:
I saw a very enlightening video the other day showing how much stuff a pro squeezed into his Lowepro Mini Trekker, it's a good example of just how much abuse photo gear can handle. I can't find the link off hand, it was either on here or Talkphotography, can't remember which

EDIT: http://www.mackstyle.net/minitrekker.mov


The way he just plonks some of it down onto the table. I'd never do that to my D100 (it'd probably drop to bits).

I really must invest in a decent size Crumpler. I have a gash Canon green and brown thing atm that I'm too embarassed to be seen in public with!
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