I did a horrible thing yesterday, I dropped a lens!!!!
somebody was talkign to me and my phone rang and I just had a momentary motor function failure.
Conected the lens up and took a couple of shots, it seems fine /phew
but it did make me start thinking. What do people use to store their lens and equipment in. We have a camera (minolta 7d) and 2 lenses, which are all kept in the original boxes (one of lenses is actually in a hard drive box because it came in a rubbish box) Which are all kept safe in a safe.
I was thinkign of just getting a carry bag, what other options do people suggest?
somebody was talkign to me and my phone rang and I just had a momentary motor function failure.
Conected the lens up and took a couple of shots, it seems fine /phew
but it did make me start thinking. What do people use to store their lens and equipment in. We have a camera (minolta 7d) and 2 lenses, which are all kept in the original boxes (one of lenses is actually in a hard drive box because it came in a rubbish box) Which are all kept safe in a safe.
I was thinkign of just getting a carry bag, what other options do people suggest?