Lens question from a novice

13 Nov 2012
I'm a beginner so sorry if my terminology is off.

I have a D3200 and have just purchased a Nikon 50mm f/1.8D from these forums, was cheap so thought I'd give it a go.

Lens is working fine and giving good results but my camera will only let me take a pic when the lens is locked at f22. If I change aperture on the lens the camera warns me 'Lock lens aperture ring at minimum aperture (largest f/-number)’. Does this mean I can only ever shoot at f22 or is there a way around it?

It’s not a massive problem if I can’t shoot at a different aperture as the results I get at f22 are good for what I am using it for, but just wondering.

With modern cameras the lens needs to stay locked at f22 on the aperture ring and the camera will electronically control the aperture depending on what you've set in camera. The aperture ring is only used on older cameras without electronic control.

Ok thanks, that makes sense.

Am I right in thinking that I will only get a very short depth of field on all images then? As that seems to be what I am getting no matter what the camera aperture is set to.
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