hello [#user base ID], thank you for conforming to my LET OFF STEAM IF YOU LIKE terms and conditions.
This database of things which do or do not irk, annoy, tug at your smile strings, or, in any other way make you post a word in this thread ("forums') which will definitely not be used against you in the future*, are to be encouraged. You should ** definitely post them here.
I can start. Circles are stupid. They're pointless (aha) but also ugly as structures.
Bring the noise.
e: noobs.
* or now
** you should not
This database of things which do or do not irk, annoy, tug at your smile strings, or, in any other way make you post a word in this thread ("forums') which will definitely not be used against you in the future*, are to be encouraged. You should ** definitely post them here.
I can start. Circles are stupid. They're pointless (aha) but also ugly as structures.
Bring the noise.
e: noobs.
* or now
** you should not
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