Let's Get Triggered! Science Within!

1 Mar 2010
Many a GD thread has revolved around implicit biases or lack of thereof, but why not plump the collective lizard brain for some actual data? Behold! -- 7 Implicit Association Tests for your clicking pleasure and Harvard's data harvesting operations.

Background: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/uk/background/index.jsp
Tests: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/uk/selectatest.jsp

In short, the above-linked psychological judo is trying to get at your automatic responses which, given you haven't fudged the tests, should fall more or less in line with the predominant cultural norms. (Although the work around the IATs is mostly to do with cognitive illusions.) Are you what you say you are? Find out!

My results:

Sexuality: Slightly pro-gay! :eek::cool:
Weight, Race, Countries, Skin-tone, Age: Moderate automatic preference for the default re myself and my background (Thin, White, UK, Light, Young)
Gender: Feminism, I have failed you. :p

Takes a few minutes; not multi-choice; you can ignore the questionnaire bits, unless you wanna feed the site some data. Do not disappoint me, GD!
Is this true? Do you bat for the other team?

I'm a biplane by design and persuasion. Free love!

In this light, the result is fairly spot on -- moderate for me -- but since most of the sampled population isn't, it drops me slightly towards the other end of the distribution. Fair play to Harvard bods, really.
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