Let's talk cheese

30 Nov 2011
Cheese! What should I have on my cheeseboard* this Christmas? The stinkier the better.

*I don't actually have a cheeseboard to speak of. I should probably put it on the list.
I can't believe no one's said

hur hur, 'beaver'


My uncle lives in France right next door to a goat farm - you can get ultra-super-fresh cheese, couple of days old, week old, etc with all kinds of herbs and bits and bobs. I could live on it.

Anyone have a weakness for children's cheese like Dairylea Triangles?
Comte. I can't do the accent on the e on this keyboard but you get the idea. It is a must for my cheese board. I don't know what else will be on it, depends who gets to chime in to the suggestions!

Ooh yes I always forget that one, it's yummy. Had it on Christmas morning a couple of years ago with quince. Mmmmm.
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