Leuchars Air Show my photographs



20 Jan 2004
Fife, Scotland/Hell
I have finally sorted some of the photographs taken on the day.


Lancaster of the BBMF during it's display.


MI24 Hind of the Czech Air Force durings it's display.


Attempt at making an old feel to the Spitfire as the misty conditions during this display meant b&w was only way to get an end result.

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Last 2 photographs from me of the air show


2 of the Tornados flying away in advance of the tactical display on the day.


Diamond 9 Tornado formation in commemeration of the 90th Anniverasry of 43(F) and 56(R) Squadrons.

Bar the Lancaster and Hind all the shots are underexsposed. Pop into photoshop and use the Shadow/Highlight adjustment to lighten the planes a bit.

The hind is slightly out of focus as well but the motion on the blades is well captured.
Both the Tornado shots are nicely framed. I especially like the two side by side. It almost looks like it was taken from the air.

As King_Boru has said the pictures are underexposed. Adjusting them in Photoshop will help but you may find that ends up with the sky going white. If you are taking pictures of planes against a bright sky you usually need to add up to +1 exposure compensation otherwise the detail of the plane will get lost.

The Lancaster is a perfect example, I've shot the same one when it made a suprised low fly past Cottesmore and like you I didn't compensate the exposure enough. The very dark colours it's painted in makes it difficult to get right but when you do they look great (this is the same for the dark blue Hawks).
Major was the 20D and my Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro lens used for all of the air displays.

I have used shadows and highlights on some of the pictures posted here and the others just didn't work right when i did use it, so undid it as the picture looked worse. Also the sigma lens is a bit soft at 300mm and i did notice this on a lot of pictures and i am thinking of a new lens to replace this in time.

Will have an experiment and try to find a better setting for it though and see if it makes an improvement.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions for improvements.

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