I dont coach already but really want to get into it, do you think it will be beneficial?
I think so yes. I think the best way to put it is that when your coaching kids you kind of think what you know is best and try and put that into their training routine. After doing the course you kind of see things a little more through their eyes so you can appreciate why somethings work and some things don't.
The two big benefits for me were learning new material but also learning off the other coaches.
For example we used to do a simple exercise called traffic lights whereby we would call out a number between 1-3(1= Shoot in goal, 2=shoot in other goal 3=stop and put foot on the ball)
So I learned a simple variation of this whereby instead of shouting out a number we used coloured cones(red=stop with foot on the ball, yellow=a turn or drag back & green= sprint for five meters with the ball). Straight away such a simple variation has reaped some really good benefits. The kids are not reliant on me giving them the instructions through the drill and they are getting confident at dribbling with their heads up. That came out of a brief chat over our lunch on one of the days. Same for the other coaches learning off me and vice versa.
As I say its really helped me see things through their eyes. The other thing is that is given me a little more trust in the players. I now I can set them challenges that after time they will understand and it will all relate to their game in general.
Other benefits is doing the child protection stuff. As well as a safe guard for the children, its also a safe guard for you as well.
Finally it does give you a bit of kudos as well with the other coaches and people in the game. We got a coaches night at Manchester FA in November hosted by Stuart Pearce and Steve Wigly(sp?). All in all it costs us £10.00 but we get to work with them for the night go through some of their training routines and also to pick their brains.
We had a game on Sunday morning and one of the scouts down from United looking at both teams. Because we are FA lvl 1 coaches and FA Charter standard, he has given us an open invitation to come along to the academy to look at how they coach there and ask any questions. I don't think I would have had any exposure to that if I hadn't gone through the lvl 1.
The FA comes in for a lot of stick(and rightly so) for the way the game has been run. However they are investing lots of time, money and resources into grassroots and big part of that is long term player development and coach education.
My advice is pay for the course (£145 iirc) and use the 4 1/2 days to leach as much good experience as you can. If you come away with nothing more than the certificate it puts you on your path to Lvl2. I suspect you will get a lot more from it than that though