Level 20 XT Build

29 Dec 2014
Upgrading the watercooling from my existing system, gonna track my progress in here. Having some custom work done, including spray paint and custom acrylic panelling.

First things first, new case - these were out of stock everywhere, but managed to find one on Amazon, turned up yesterday;


Looks like a monstrosity in black/grey, really big and dull - has huge modding potential though.


Stripped down, and ready to go for spray painting;


More to follow!
That’s a whopper of a case. I do like the general style of them though.

In terms of the layout it's a really good case, however the quality isn't even close to a lian-li, in terms of finish, but this case has mega potential for mods.

Some more bits turned up today from the US;

Radikult 280 D5 res

Back from spray painting today, took a bit longer but I have all the other stuff, so can start assembling now;

What are you going to do with the grey corner pieces in the front? Can’t imagine they would go with white very well.

Yeah they've been sprayed white too,

I have a Level 20XT with a Barrow distro plate, which covers the entire front section.
Also took off the front glass for airflow, gonna try to remount with a bit more clearance.

Subbed. :)

chaos in here today lol, trying to do as much as I can this weekend,

I got a spare EK 480-XE Rad left over from something I didn't use last year, so I decided to go overkill as hell and fit 3x of them :D (because why not)

currently measuring out the holes I need to drill in the custom plexiglass panels I had made, the idea is the lighting should shine through and look cool, I have a couple of different designs to try but I'll see what these look like first..

Also had to dremel out a bunch of metal on the case to fit the res on the front, for the pipework - but all good so far :)


Not a great set of pics, but here's mine... Two 240mm rads down below, 360 up top. Removed other PSU plate, so the front fans chuff any heat straight out of the back. Needs a tidy up, not the cleanest build I'm capable of...
Will eventually mount the pump directly to the distro plate, as my res has sprung a minor leak. As you can see, my phone does pick up every single speck of dust... :D

Will get more work done on it eventually, but reduced income (and current lack of enthusiasm) is currently preventing further progress.
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I'm building this as more of like a show setup, so I think i'll leave the sides off all the time,
Honestly, it looks better in the flesh, not managed to take a good photo of it yet... Fitting the distro plate was enough of a PITA (due to new tubing being a bit thicker, the compression fittings nearly killed me) I haven't done much to it since!
Drilling the holes in the plexiglass top panel, quite challenging as it's taking ages to get everything measured out perfectly with the pipework, one slip up and I have to do the whole panel again, it just takes ages :D.... (I did order 3x in case I screwed one up)

If anyone's interested in ever drilling through plexiglass/acrylic, seems that a wood hole-saw with 10mm thick MDF backing, works pretty well (so far)

making good progress now, hardest parts are done - pipework and drilling plexiglass. Need to get all the fans on the rads, the rads in place - then do the soft-pipe interconnections underneath.


Waiting for some splitter cables for the fans and RGB, should turn up tomorrow, so more pics to follow :)
Been so busy this week, barely had time to finish it - or get decent pics, but it is finally done :)

Will try and get some better pics at some point, just been too busy lol

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