Lewis Hamilton

12 Sep 2005
Why is he being slated for dodging uk vat? He doesn't live in the UK?
If the government is upset about these things why don't they change the law - oh wait I know why, they do it too as does the queen apparently.
Why is he being slated for dodging uk vat? He doesn't live in the UK?
If the government is upset about these things why don't they change the law - oh wait I know why, they do it too as does the queen apparently.

Nobody should be surprised and i'm sure that there's a load of people doing the same. If there is a way to save a lot of money, people will exploit it.
It really annoys me that the press publicise these things, no-one is doing anything illegal (in most cases) so why not attack the law makers.
Btw just look at Trumps tax history in the press. Everyone does it.
Yes even me I adjust my income to suit my tax allowance. I wonder how many reporters do the same.
Why is he being slated for dodging uk vat? He doesn't live in the UK?
If the government is upset about these things why don't they change the law - oh wait I know why, they do it too as does the queen apparently.

The reason it has been raised is nothing to do where he lives - it is because the arrangement with the airplane would normally be subject to VAT. Not offering a view either way on it, but just wanted to explain why it is irrelevant where he lives and pays his personal taxes.
Is anyone really surprised? We have all assumed they are all at it, just didn't have proof until now.

Immoral but not illegal. I'd like to say I wouldn't do the same if I had the money but I probably would.
I don't understand how people can't see why the general public are annoyed at this? It just shows another way there are so out a touch/better off then us plebs who have to pay our fair share but they can't get round it and basically pay nothing.
From what I've read about the plane they are complaining that he bought it and used it for business but also some private so should have paid VAT.

So like, non of us have used the works van or company car to make the odd trip to shops? It's no different, just on a slightly larger scale.
The reason it has been raised is nothing to do where he lives - it is because the arrangement with the airplane would normally be subject to VAT. Not offering a view either way on it, but just wanted to explain why it is irrelevant where he lives and pays his personal taxes.
Agreed seems it was a debate over personal vs business use, again within the law. HMRC have been invited to examine the organisation's methods. Again unlikely to find anything unlawful. It is just big numbers.
If he mainly uses the plane to get to races and sometimes uses it for personal reasons I don’t see what the big issue is really, as others have mentioned it’s just cause the numbers are big that it’s in the headlines.
As others have said I think it's pointless mentioning specific individuals. The problem is whilst they may have done nothing illegal it's certainly immoral when people on millions are paying less than your average doctor (who can't be paid as a company and loaned the money back!) in tax.

But at the end of the day rich and powerful people make the laws so it suits their purposes for these loopholes to exist. It won't change but its dangerous if the public start feeling that tax is only something us plebs have to pay and anyone wealthy enough can simply avoid it. At then end of the day it funds the public infrastructure we're all ultimately dependent on.
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The tax system needs to be less complicated. Raise the tax threshold for the lower end and put everyone else on the same percentage.
People are selfish. People are lazy, people are jealous.

Pretty much sums up both sides of argument as to why Hamilton did it and why people care that he did
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