Bought this yesterday, extremely nice monitor and my first monitor with high refresh rate and gsync.
How do I turn gsync on it's not in the control panel and also why can I only turn my refresh rate up to 144hz and not the advertised speed of 240hz. I have a Nvidia 1080 graphics card. Not an issue as I can never see screen tearing and the 144hz feels amazing, not that I expect my 1080 can do that but it feels really smooth.
How do I turn gsync on it's not in the control panel and also why can I only turn my refresh rate up to 144hz and not the advertised speed of 240hz. I have a Nvidia 1080 graphics card. Not an issue as I can never see screen tearing and the 144hz feels amazing, not that I expect my 1080 can do that but it feels really smooth.
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