LG 38GL950G vs AW3148DW

4 Aug 2019

I know this is not really a fair comparison as the LG is going to be much more expensive at launch than the Alienware.

Is there likely to be much difference in terms of clarity and quality of image between these two (to the average bod sitting at a desk - not through some fancy calibration gubbins)?

Budget is not really an issue but equally there's no point in spending cash just for the sake of it.

I spend a lot of time at my PC but I don't game competitively so I wont be worried about 'ghosting' etc cos I'm not that fast that I would worry about it!

However I do game and work a lot so image quality is important to me (also build quality which I know I'd get with the Alienware).

thanks :-)

Thanks Legend
I wont be buying 'till the back-end of November and I'm guessing it should be out by then - I'll await the release with interest!
And excuse my double ignorance! :(:( Where does that live? (I can't see it in the forums). Sorry for being so useless...
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