LG 43UJ630V - blue tint and Dull colours

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Mine just started doing this on 49UJ670V. Not whole screen yet, just a few areas but after looking into it pretty resigned to replacing it at some point. Age is same as yours.
My 43UJ630V has just started having this problem, it's failing backlight LEDs, common fault with LGs apparently. TV was only manufactured in March 2018, absolutely pathetic.

I have just ordered a replacement backlight array from China for the princely sum of £20 and I am going to attempt to replace them myself as looking at some videos it doesn't seem to be hugely challenging and it's a significant saving over buying a new TV if I am successful, if not, it's new TV time.
Be interested to hear how you get on with it. I’m probably going to get a new one (not LG) but I’d also fix the old one if I could
Well, I eventually couldn't put up with it any more and plucked up the courage to replace the backlights.

Fortunately I didn't break the TV and the LEDs from china worked a treat!


Thats a great result. I've replaced mine now with a CX but I've kept the 670V in my office. I'll definately look at replacing the LED's on it now
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