LG HX906TX HDMI Input HD Audio Issues.

21 Dec 2014
Dear Friends

I've been a member for a long time back. This my come back after a long gap.
Kindly let me reproduce a letter that I had written to LG service team with regard to my LG Home Theatre HDMI Input HD Audio Decoding issues.
Hope I get your valued inputs.

Here the letter goes....

LG HT HX906TX HD-Audio Issues in HDMI Input
Dear LG Executives

I am an Audiio Holic, and I am proud of that . I love the brand LG, and own an LG 47LW6500 -3D TV along with this HT-HX906TX the 9.1 speaker, 5.1 system. Believe me, I successfully convinced two of my colleagues in purchasing the next generation LM version 3D TVs and HTs.

I spent a fortune to set up 3D TV+ 3D Bluray Home Theater; about 2 lakhs !
I have been communicating with LG on various occasions. The last one was when I found issues playing DTS-HD Master Audio files stored in USB; the system couldn't decode the Audio. Thanks to the timely support from Mr Satya, the Technical Person from LG, he explained me that the HT won't play HD audio directly from USB, an HDMI connectivity should seal the issue etc.

I did certain research as well, and I came to know, whatever Mr Satya had explained is indeed true in certain HT models. The HDMI Input seemed the only savior then.

Now, a few days before, I purchased an XtreamerPro- an acclaimed player which supports HD AudioTS MA, Dolby TrueHD etc (Xtreamer.Net - Specs)

and connected the same to HDMI IN-1 of my HT using HDMI cable. I was really disappointed to see that the HT only shown PCM 2/0.0 for the DTS HD MA file (5.1 Channel) I tried to play through Xtreamer, which is in HD-Audio Passthrough Mode. When I played the same file through my Laptop connected to HT through HDMI cable, the HT shown PCM 2/3.1 for the same file, and sounded better. This clearly gives me an assumption that, the high cost HT: HX906TX doesn't support DTS HD MA through HDMI input.

It is nothing but, a great disappointment for an audio freak like me (Frankly, I now feel like being cheated)

The specifications and Issues in a nutshell
1) HT: HX906TX, Player: XtreamerPro Input HDMI In-1 or 2 (Xtreamer Passthrough HD raw audio through HDMI)
HT shows and sounds : PCM 2/0.0
2) HT: HX906TX, Player: Laptop Input HDMI In-1 or 2 (Laptop Decodes the Audio)

HT shows PCM 2/3.1 and sounds far better. I hope I get an urgent support. I definitely feel LG is a superior, well priced band.
I hope my faith in LG continues..

That was my letter to LG, Kindly give your comments, inputs.
Some general observations...

1) the user manual gives very little useful information about the system and its capabilities. Dolby TrueHD and DTS-MA are not mentioned other than to acknowledge the trademarks.

2) PCM audio isn't mentioned at all even though it appears that the HX906TX is compatible

3) if you are an "Audio Holic" aud "audio freak", then the LG system would be my last choice. But my choices for equipment in the UK are probably much broader than yours in India

I'm not sure quite what outcome you are expecting from LG. Their equipment is on a par with Samsung, Panasonic, Sony etc. None of them offer the sort of connectivity and audio processing that you will find on an AV Receiver from Yamaha, Pioneer, Onkyo, Denon etc. But equally those AV receivers won't have the come with 9.1 speakers and a built-in disc player.

The LG and similar systems look impressive but they don't have the essential features and quality to satisfy an audioholic. That is why we don't often recommend them for people interested in quality and performance. The best you can do (if possible) is set the XtreamerPro to decode HD audio internally and send the signal to the LG as multichannel PCM. This will be just as high quality as Dolby TrueHD or DTS-MA.
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According to the Xtreamer website support for DTS MA Passthrough will be introduced in a future firmware update so it sounds like its not been implemented yet ?

***DTS MA Passthrough is under licensing process now and will be introduced in future FW update:)

The laptop is decoding the DTS MA file and sending it as PCM 2/3.1 so you should still getting the same lossless raw audio soundtrack its just in and uncompressed format which is PCM.

Dolby TrueHD / DTS-HD MA are just compressed versions of LPCM.
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