LG OLED 55EF950V or wait a bit

5 Jan 2003
Somewhere in the middle
Looks like our lounge re work is shaping up..... part of the job will be refresh the TV... Currently Panasonic 50" ST level I think... was a Comet Special.
Still a nice picture, HD is good... SD like only Plasma can do !!!... But I don't want to build a false wall and cut a hole in to mount a six year old TV in.

Now we have had CES, is the current LG's ie the 55EF950V going to get replaced soon... or we looking at year away?
I'm not so much wanting to chase the next big feature but hope the "issues" and quality control might be more consistent !!!

No gaming just TV and BluRay movies...... Budget of around 2K I'm okay with, would need convincing to go more....

Audio I can sort..... do need to find some in wall rear speakers that will lay flat on the rear wall, perhaps motorised out when in use.
On this size screen is any higher resolution any point? .... PQ and Quality control is worth waiting for or paying for maybe..... Time scale and costs?
Just watched a Youtube video from CES with the guy at LG.... So it's the new Signature series that should start to come out end of quarter 1 that will have "better pixels" and improved picture quality? .........
Oh.. It's never going to cost as much as my HiFi so will see what the cost is :D
Wait for HDR OLED's with the full 4k ratified spec is my advice.

LG aleady have at least one HDR OLED screen out. Not sure which it is yet.

EDIT: The EF9500, it's $3000 in the US so in his price range ish, is it out in the uk yet though?
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LG aleady have at least one HDR OLED screen out. Not sure which it is yet.

EDIT: The EF9500, it's $3000 in the US so in his price range ish, is it out in the uk yet though?

Yes it is out in the UK, the LG 65EF950V and the LG55EF950V.
My LG 65EF950V should be delivered today with a bit of luck and a following wind.
E6 April..... G6 if you want even bigger and fancy sound bar...... cost tbc. ....

Yeah am not that fussed on the sound bar but really want the 3D

So I should be looking at the curved 65" C6

I believe they have have the same panels and pq you will just be paying for design and features
That G6 looks stunning. I wonder if you can use the soundbar as the centre speaker in a full surround sound system?

If you're spending that much on a TV you're going to have 5.1 or 7.1.

Any bets on the price of the 77 incher? :eek:
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I think the E6 at 55" will do me ;) ...... I use 4.1 at present, unlikely to use the sound bar, unless it sounded ok/matched to the L+R (unlikely) and could act as a centre...
Also we use a separate Technomate triple tuner box, so I actually only need Monitor..LOL.
Just looking more into them it seems the PQ is apparently the same on all the models, it's just the design and inclusion of sound bar that changes the price.

B6 - Flat, 55+65"
C6 - Curved, 55+65", 3D
E6 - Flat, 55+66", 3D(?), Soundbar
G6 - Flat, 65+77", 3D(?), Soundbar

Why can't they do a B6 at 77" then? For what I want I don't think 65" would be big enough. :(

And to try and stay on track for the OP... The B6 may be just in your price range when it comes out. People are speculating it'll be similar in price to the EF950V.
I got the impression from the interview that the E6-G6 were the same/best PQ the others were a little less... They were also 3D..... which I've never had before or tried, though my Marantz UD7006 can play it.

If I can see a benefit or a point to it I can up the budget, not really an issue... will have to wait to see how these new screens pan out.
Had the current screen 6 years, I would expect to use a new one probably longer.
Yep, I'd be surprised if they are identical PQ. We shall have to wait and see what the reviews are like. If they aren't any different the E6 will be a hard sell over the B6 if you have surround sound. An extra £500-1k for 3D...?
i had the 950 myself that recently went back because the 2016 models are close so i wanted to wait for those instead.

Even though all the 2016 models are supposed to be the same pq i would imagine there will be some differences between the higher end G and E models and the budget C and B models.
There was a chart posted that showed some differences.

Anyway im going for the E model personally as i need 3D and i need a flat TV. The C is curved the B has no 3D and the G is too expensive.
I have no need for the soundbar that comes with the E model but ill have to put up with that. Id definatly wait if i was you though as these 2016 models will all be up to spec HDR with dolby vision aswell which seems like the HDR to go for.
i had the 950 myself that recently went back because the 2016 models are close so i wanted to wait for those instead.

Even though all the 2016 models are supposed to be the same pq i would imagine there will be some differences between the higher end G and E models and the budget C and B models.
There was a chart posted that showed some differences.

Anyway im going for the E model personally as i need 3D and i need a flat TV. The C is curved the B has no 3D and the G is too expensive.
I have no need for the soundbar that comes with the E model but ill have to put up with that. Id definatly wait if i was you though as these 2016 models will all be up to spec HDR with dolby vision aswell which seems like the HDR to go for.

Wish they would hurry up the specs and prices. There seems to be a lot of miss information from the Interview

On LG own website if you click the 3d TVs on the menus The B6 and not the curved C6 has 3D unless that is the mistake.
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