LG TV fault dark patchs on screen

18 Oct 2002

I have a LG 47" smart tv its under 2 years old and over the past couple of weeks I've noticed 2 dark/black patchs on the screen :(

Check out the picture I've attached.

Any idea what this is or anyway to fix it ?

Thanks Ben
Also what do you use to clean your tv as my friend has similar issue around year ago and it was from using cleaning sprays. It just stained the tv in some places. If this is not it I dont know.

I would advice to get microfibre cloth + some water and gently clean the screen and see if it helps.
Thanks for replies.

It's still there on other inputs tried it on HDMI 2.

I've not cleaned the screen with any cleaning spray.

I've emailed LG support see what they say.

Now I've seen it I can never miss it.
Your panel is going faulty, ive had it happen on 2 tvs, both were samsung though.

My first one i had to take the place i got it from to court, well i issued proceedings against them and they gave me a new one.

The second one, i called samsung and they sent an engineer out with a new panel and he swapped it over.

My current tv is a panasonic LED, and its started developing dead pixels after 1 year old ,arghhhh.
LG told me its a faulty but out of warranty :(

Going to have to live with it for the time being, its not that bad just yet to justify a new TV.

Not to happy TV not even 2 years old! all my other LG TV's have been good.
LG told me its a faulty but out of warranty :(

Going to have to live with it for the time being, its not that bad just yet to justify a new TV.

Not to happy TV not even 2 years old! all my other LG TV's have been good.

Probably worth trying to argue SOGA with them, under 2 years is not an acceptable life for a television.
Yeah worth a shot to complain its rare tv companies give in though but some have.

I had a samsung which went bust after a year and half this is why so many people are going with John lewis and richer sounds who give 5 year warranties on all sets.... richer give 6.

I think these new LED sets are cheap and easy to break down usually just after 12 months !

Also agree with what was suggested above when cleaning the screen just a micro cloth, I would not even dare put water or liquid on it !
If dark patches are visibile on all sources then the LCD panel is at fault. Dont let them fob you off saying its out of warranty as SOGA and EU law will help, just be polite stand your ground and state SOGA and that your would like its repaired or replaced. Your contract is with the retailer so you should be dealing with them.

I try only buy from john lewis or Richer sounds as all other retailers are a pain. I could understand for a £20 toaster you have issues after the 12 months but not on a expensive (relative to original poster ) TV

We returned a 3 year old lcd to john lewis with similiar and dealing with them was fab. The pictures look like DSE or dirty screen effect Banding
Well tonight the TV gave up all together :mad:

Screen went completely blank but could still hear TV channel in back ground.

I can get no pictures/menu's on the screen its completely failed to me.

Had to swap back to the old 32" TV, going from 47" its :eek:

Its 2 years to the day pretty that I purchased it for £500 from Richer Sounds absolutely gutted!
Quick update and thumbs up for LG.

After the TV completely failed back late November I spoke to Richer Sounds and they agreed to assess the TV and come to some agreement over the price of the repair. Not great but better than on your bike because I am out of warranty.

But after a second time contacting LG with no mention of legal or SOGA action in my e-mail they agreed to collect the TV and repair for free!

So after 1 failed pickup by the LG courier and a bit of messing around with phone calls/e-mails regarding the repair and return I have my TV back!

3 weeks turn around form collection to return not bad considering the time of year.

All in all very impress with the service LG have given me :)
Why didn't Richer Sounds cover it under their 6 year warranty?

I brought the TV from them just over 2 years ago and they didn't do 6 year warranty then. I could have paid for 5 years if I remember correctly but I just went with the standard 1 year.
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