Liability for a bike you don't own

12 Mar 2005
Just saw this article which seems totally ridiculous that he can be held libel. Hopefully it will be dropped as it only states that he could be forced to pay. But we all know that insurance companies will do anything to get out of there responsibilities.

If it is true its something that we should all keep in mind if we are selling as I would guess crashes on newly purchased bikes is quite a high occurrence.
One of the reasons I will never use MCE. It sounds like he needs a better lawyer

Personally I don't see why you should be liable for anything once the bike has been sold.

Just hope that he gets it resolved, although suspect it's going to be a long legal battle
MCE have to prove that the guy intentionally set out to deceive them by not notifying them of a change.
That is just insane.

I hope they get absolutely spanked on the PR front. Do they have twitter? Need a twofer campaign, or Facebook. Or do they shy away from such things.
Not sure they have Big Ed and the MCE ***** facebook pages, and apparently tweet Big ed for insurance purposes, seems they are already getting some bad press on Twitter :p
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