Lian Li Odyssey X - Launch June 21

22 May 2010
Been following this case and the EVO for some time now, anyone going to be making a preorder or a purchase? Is OCUK gonna stock this @Gibbo?

Love the flexibility of the case being able to rotate the case on its side and try out different configurations. I'm more intrigued with the EVO though being able to mount the GPU on the side instead of what is now more of a common vertical mount.

Will drop some reviews of the case in here when it launches tomorrow, not seen any yet except for the Expo ones.

Price ~ TBA


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its just been listed in the new cases section, and is a whopping £395. Of course i think it looks like a load of tat but maybe im just old and grumpy. regardless though its a lot of money for a box
Wow can’t believe it actually listed for that. Gonna do a hard pass, O11 Evo should be the next upgrade for me. Hopefully it wont take 2 years to release!
compared to the Lian Li PC-011 D this looks very cramped, that's one thing i love about the case is the amount space and being able to hide cables. from the looks of it you cannot put Exhaust or Intake fans on the bottom unless your going for air cooling due to where the PSU is situated
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