Lian-Li PC-7 - Rattling, whining, echoing...

8 Jan 2007
Just bought this case along with a new c2d system, anyone want a opty165? :)

Given the price and recommendations I thought it would be a quality piece of kit. But... The Aluminium is so thin that the side panels vibrate heavily when the dvdrw spins up. I had to turn the HD acoustic management settings to the lowest otherwise HD seeking sounded like I was being shot at.

It also seems to whine and hum when idling (bit like a ferry), unless I hold the sides and the removable cd/fdd inserts. The front case fan is pretty loud considering its 12cm, so its unplugged.

Has anyone got any proven tips to dampen the case/hd/dvdrw? Don't want to spend much more cash. Kinda going against having bought a corsair psu for silence.

I'm guessing Overclockers wont accept a return on this shoddy thing due to it being used? Temped to put everything into my old steel & plastic case, warm but quiet.
Cheers crossy for taking the time to post the pic... Gonna give it a go with some white tack as a short term solution. Mite leave the loo paper out of it for the mo tho...

messiah khan - Neoprene? Isn't that wetsuit material? Would I be using that in place of bluetack, or to cover the whole insides of the sidepanels?

Thanks again.
So far, I've blue tacked up one side of the case and used strips of cut rubber bands for the other. Gonna see which is best.. Still infuriating tho.

The stock front fan on the case is really noisy, is there anything cheaper/better than a Zalman Fan Mate 2 switch to lower the voltage & rpms? My last abit an8 motherboard could do this in the bios. The Gigabyte DS3P doesnt seem to be able to...

Are the bowls just plonked on the case? Thought about putting something between the psu and the roof, but the psu is so quiet, i'm not sure it's a cause.
I've pretty much sorted it now. I got some rubber frames to go around the fans, a fan controller to lower their speed and some rubber washers for the hd/dvd screws. I've also bluetacked the side panel as shown above and between the fdd and cd removable panels. So far so good.
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