This case finally arrived today via Citylink bright and early giving me lots of time to get it all transferred on my day off.
Let me say I am delighted with this case, and relieved that it's the one with the 2x120mm fans! It is very sexy and good-looking in the extreme, and the build quality seems to be fantastic, especially for £50.
Old case is on the right in the pics below. I think I might get the black drive bezels but then it's almost worth buying a new drive since floppies are only a fiver and I don't have a DVD-writer.
Very pleased. My old case was a generic very heavy steel job and compared to that it's ludicrously good!
Let me say I am delighted with this case, and relieved that it's the one with the 2x120mm fans! It is very sexy and good-looking in the extreme, and the build quality seems to be fantastic, especially for £50.
Old case is on the right in the pics below. I think I might get the black drive bezels but then it's almost worth buying a new drive since floppies are only a fiver and I don't have a DVD-writer.
Very pleased. My old case was a generic very heavy steel job and compared to that it's ludicrously good!