Lian-li PC7USB Case Fans

19 Oct 2002
What kinds of fan is in Lian-li PC7USB - this is case is around 5 year old now....... but it still looks cool..... it has 2 front fans and 1 rear....

I have 7volted them but they do sound a bit loud still and i wonder

a. what size fans they are?

b. what size fan can i replace it with (does it have to be like for like size wise?)

c. recommended fan that i can use
It has to be like for like unless your modding.

Erm im going to stab a guess at 80mm fans for a minute that PC7 is before my time in case fanatacism, will find out for you!

If you check the sticky for fan recomendations.
thanks yewen - did you find out the size?

i dont really fancy modding the case - seems to hard :)

would getting another 80mm fan sound quieter and be more efficient?
i couldnt find sticky on fans in this section - does it exist in another section?
spluff said:
What kinds of fan is in Lian-li PC7USB - this is case is around 5 year old now....... but it still looks cool..... it has 2 front fans and 1 rear....

I have 7volted them but they do sound a bit loud still and i wonder

a. what size fans they are?

b. what size fan can i replace it with (does it have to be like for like size wise?)

c. recommended fan that i can use

a. The fans in the PC7USB are 80mm ones, two at the front and one at the rear.

b. You can only really replace with 80mm fans due to the design of the case. Fitting a 90 or 120mm fan would need a far amount of chopping up:


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c. Yewens Fan Guide There is also a lot of info there on cases in general so have a look. The guides along with user reviews can also be found on Yewens case site
If you read the Fan guide that Harib0 has posted but still have any trouble, get back in this thread and post, there are more fans that are good than thoose listed in the guide, just they were the fans OcUK stocked at the time that were particularly good.

Yes upgrading your fans usually means that they have a better noise to performance ratio so it is normally well worth it.
Zalman ZMF1 80mm Silent Case fan

That would get my vote, although the Vantec Stealths are meant to be ok, but I have not used them personally due to a bad spell of reviews early on in there life.
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