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Lian Li RGB/4070 Super

6 Jun 2010

I’m hoping somebody can help.

I’m looking to add the Lian Li RGB cable to my 4070 Super. I guess the part I’m confused about is the fact I’m using the adaptor that comes with the card and plugging the 2 8 pins into the 12VHPWR adaptor.

Should I be plugging this into:

Or should I get this?

I was thinking of getting the 3 8 pin in case I upgrade to a 5080 or something next gen. I assume I can leave one free and just use the 2 I need?
I'd have thought your question really depends on the visual consideration more than the technical? Reason being, if you plug the strimer into the 12VHPWR between the adapter and the graphics card, the RGB would be visible around the front of the build, whereas if you plug the strimer into the 2x 8-pins prior to the adapter, you'd have the RGB set quite a long way back from the graphics card.
Tbh the adaptor for the 12VHPWR isn’t really that long to make a significant difference. I was more concerned about my standard PSU cables going into the adaptor and then using another cable into the GPU
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