Lian Li SL INF Fans

5 Jan 2009
So, I just spent stupid money on RGB fans I want but don't need. OCUK has all the INF fans in stock, but not the INF controller.

Anyone with these fans, please can you confirm that 12SLIN-CONT3B is the product I need? I'd like to the actual item but it's a competitor site. Annoyingly the item isn't even listed on Lian Li's site which doesn't surprise me given the minefield their fan range is...

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You can run INFs from any PWM fan controller and ARGB headers if you dont need the individual element control/effects

I use an Aquacomputer Octo for PWM and my motherboard RGB Headers as I run single solid colours.

Given every 3 back contains a controller it wouldn't surprise me if there are loads on auction sites.

Bear in mind to connect to the official controller you need the proprietary combined connector that comes with the controller. This might present an issue depending on how many individual banks of fans you need.
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