Lian Li SL140 Infinity availability?

Feels like these are never going to appear, main reason I'm after them is my aio takes 140mm fans.

I have 2 clusters of SL120 INF in my case, but still using the stock Lian Li 140mm PWM fans, which are attached to 'full speed, but 4-pin headers' (blame ASUS for putting 1 PWM header on a X670E board). A final cluster of SL140 INF would be perfect to dial down the fans to low rpm and a consistently lit build.
Are these the fans I saw advertised the other day where you can daisy-chain them?
Will that work for AIOs or anything where the fan screws are in a specific place as I wonder if the spacing might vary enough to throw off the alignment?
A YouTuber called Kleo Yan does some good videos on the UNIFAN / SL120|140-INF series being mounted on an Arctic Liquid Freezer II 240.

I think all of the UNIFANs can be daisy-chained, as they just connect using a push-slide pin mechanism - up to 4 per 'cluster'. Depending on how the radiator tubes are positioned, you may or may not have clearance issues.
Arrived this morning and just installed. They look absolutely baller, now all the ARGB in my system is uniform and I'm happy that I can control all fans from L-Connect.

A different problem to spoil the fun, is that my Dark Power Pro 12 1200W fan noise is so bad (low-rpm drone), it's louder than all 10 of my Infinity fans running idle desktop.
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